Sales List

We currently have four Pure Spanish Andalusians available.

List Updated 07/04/2006

Capriano FE3BayStallionAvitar x Falina CH$12,000
Cantinela FE2GreyFillyDS Domino (Salbante) x Belleza GA$4,000
Fastuoso FE4GreyGeldingAltanero D x Falina CH$12,000
Vida Dulce FE1BayFillyDS Domino (Salbante) x Falina CH$10,000
   All three of our Andalusians domain names that point at this site are for sale. Make us an offer.Private Treaty

Andalusian Sales Referral

If you have an Andalusian you are interested in selling and would like to have it listed on contact us. We can advertise the horse on the sales referral page, include pictures and video to help showcase your horse.

Name Age Color Sex Breeding Picture Price